Refund / Cancellation policy

We, being the service providers for contents available through Abhinetwork, where you are expected to view packages of your choice after being paid for subscription; unfortunately, all fees to for such services are non-refundable. In case, because of any technical glitch at the time of online transaction, the transaction does not occur, the amount in process of transfer by default goes back into your bank account A/C NO-50200075083229, IFSC CODE-HDFC0001930,TAMLUK Branch,automatically through Payment Gateway. CHARGEBACKS If we receive a chargeback or payment dispute from a credit card company or bank, your service and/or subscription will be suspended without notice. Applicable chargeback fee will be issued to recover fees passed on to us by the credit company, plus any outstanding balances accrued as a result of the chargeback(s) must be paid in full before service is restored. Instead of issuing a chargeback, contact us to address any billing issues. Requesting a chargeback or opening any sort of dispute for a valid charge from us is fraud, and is never an appropriate or legal means of obtaining a refund. PLEASE READ AND MAKE SURE YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND OUR REFUND POLICY PRIOR TO MAKING A PAYMENT..
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